Overview of included studies for MJFF GLOBAL GENETIC PD PROJECT STEP-2.0*:
Site City Other projects Country Continent New PD patients/year Genetic testing availability Qualified genetic counseling Clinical trials Sex Age Age at onset (MDS-) UPDRS III Score Hoehn and Yahr scale Nonmotor scales Olfactory testing DNA RNA Serum Plasma Whole blood CSF Fibroblasts iPSCs Brain tissue Genomics Transcriptomics Proteomics Metabolomics Neuropathology
Antwerp University Hospital, University of Antwerp Antwerp GEoPD BE Europe 30 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained not available available for a subset not available available for a subset available for most cases not available not available not available available
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens PPMI GR Europe 101 regularly performed not available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) available for most cases can be obtained available for most cases available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available not available not available
Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Bangkok n.a. TH Asia 50 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) available for most cases not available can be obtained not available can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available not available not available not available available
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Barcelona IPDGC ES Europe 3 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) n.a. available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained - can be obtained can be obtained - can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available -
Neurology Clinic University Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade Belgrade n.a. RS Europe 60 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained available for most cases available for a subset available for a subset can be obtained not available available for a subset can be obtained available for a subset can be obtained available
Charite- Universitätsmedizin Berlin Berlin n.a. DE Europe 1000 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available not available not available not available not available not available
Griffith University Brisbane GEoPD AU Australia 100 regularly performed available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) available for most cases available for most cases available for most cases available for most cases available for most cases n.a. available for a subset available for a subset not available available for a subset available for a subset available for a subset can be obtained available
Ineba Buenos Aires LARGE-PD AR South America 200 not regularly performed not available willing to embark on clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) can be obtained not available can be obtained can be obtained available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available not available not available
Fleni Buenos Aires n.a. AR South America 250 regularly performed not available already performing clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) can be obtained can be obtained available for a subset available for a subset available for a subset can be obtained not available not available not available not available not available not available not available available
Juntendo University Bunkyo GEoPD JP Asia 18 regularly performed not available willing to embark on clinical trials standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) standardly recorded (and available for most cases) not standardly recorded (or not available for most cases) available for most cases can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained can be obtained not available not available not available not available available for most cases not available not available not available not available